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North Country Blues


Bob Dylan's "North Country Blues" Released

A Song of Loss and Longing

Listen to Bob Dylan's "North Country Blues"

The official audio for Bob Dylan's "North Country Blues" has been released. The song, which is from Dylan's 1964 album The Times They Are A-Changin', is a haunting ballad about the decline of the iron mining industry in northern Minnesota. Dylan, who grew up in Minnesota, sings about the loss of jobs and the way of life that went with them.

The song begins with Dylan describing the iron ore pits, which once ran deep in the ground. But now, he says, "they're all filled up with water." Dylan then goes on to sing about the people who worked in the mines, who are now out of work and struggling to make ends meet.

"North Country Blues" is a powerful song about the loss of a way of life. It's a song that resonates with anyone who has ever lost a job or seen their community decline. Dylan's lyrics are simple but effective, and his voice is full of emotion. The song is a reminder that even the most prosperous times can come to an end.

The release of the official audio for "North Country Blues" is a reminder of Dylan's enduring legacy. The song is a classic piece of American music, and it continues to resonate with listeners today.

