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Hungarys Population Continues To Decline

Hungary's Population Continues to Decline

Population Now Estimated at 9,998,601

Trend Has Been Ongoing Since 1980

Hungary's population has been declining for decades, and the trend shows no signs of reversing. According to the latest data from Worldometer, the country's population is now estimated at 9,998,601 as of June 19, 2024. This represents a decrease of over 1% since 2023, and a continuation of the long-term trend of population loss.

The decline in Hungary's population is due to a number of factors, including low birth rates and high emigration rates. The country's birth rate has been declining for decades, and is now one of the lowest in the world. At the same time, Hungary has seen a significant increase in emigration rates in recent years, as people seek opportunities in other countries with more robust economies. The combination of low birth rates and high emigration rates has led to a steady decline in Hungary's population.

The decline in Hungary's population has a number of negative consequences for the country. It can lead to a shrinking workforce, which can make it difficult for businesses to grow. It can also lead to a decline in tax revenue, which can make it difficult for the government to provide essential services. Additionally, the decline in population can lead to a loss of cultural diversity, as people from different backgrounds leave the country.
